Margie Schnibbe Playground for Wild Birds/Recent Sculpture 28 November -19 December 2021 On view Sundays noon-dusk and by appointment Opening reception Sunday 28 November 2-5pm Lot 2001 Los Angeles (address provided upon request) VIEW SCULPTURES & INFO |
Every day I feed hundreds of wild birds in the back lot of my art studio. These wild birds are the inspiration for my recent series of outdoor sculptures built with found objects and readily accessible materials. While living and working in isolation during the Covid lockdown, my interaction with wild birds helped me maintain a sense of peace and well-being. I have a long history of living with birds in my head and I continue to explore the possibilities. |
Bird Poem for the World 2021 |
Charlottenburg 1991 | • @margieschnibbe • #margieschnibbestudio • |